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I’m on a mission to create, build up and support 1,000 well-resourced women.
Women who have the time, energy, money and decision-making skills to live, love, and leave any situation without restriction.
When you work with me, a percentage of all revenue in the door
supports an organization local to me helping women
holistically heal from domestic abuse and sexual violence.
I can help you live your legacy with the money your already have, too.

“This woman’s got her shit together
... but
not in a way that’s gonna stuff you into a box.”
I'm Rachelle
I work with life coaches who want to be smart with their money.
They want someone to show them how to manage their finances so that they can make confident decisions based on anything other than their bank account balance.
I show them how to get more of what they want while doing more of what they love.

quick confident decisions
money in minutes
get what you want with your money
Profit + Flow:
Client Successes
I’ve had clients who’ve done cool shit like install a kegerator in their office, take a family vacation in Paris, or work remotely from London.
My first client is now making double the income in half of the hours she did in her full-time day job - at home with her young son in tow.
One client who was making under $38,000 as a life coach is now making over $300,000 in annual revenue - and is aiming for half a million dollars this year.
Another client who, at 24, felt like it was impossible to pay off her student loans in her lifetime now has a clear path and an end date that is less than 10 years away. She has hope and room for her future.
It’s your money. You should get what you want.

“I can take vacation and pay myself for my time off.
I could not do that before.”
“This is such a good way to set yourself up, in the easiest way possible.
The least stressful way to get your finances in control.”
“Rachelle is very different from a CPA, a financial advisor, or a bookkeeper. What she offers is far more holistic.”
— Kat Augostini, Feel Damn Good
Business Owner + Massage Therapist
Profit & Flow: Money In Minutes is my podcast only available on Spotify. It’s my custom program Profit & Flow broken down step by step in just 3-8 minutes. Listen daily for a completely different money experience!
For a fully comprehensive list of money resources that feel like exquisite self-care, get fun money here. Includes my favorite books on money, all the interviews I’ve ever done, and a curated list of recommended podcasts by other experts in the industry.